Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Charging and Discharging Capacitros

The purpose of the experiment is to learn how to control capacitor charge and discharge times using a nonideal case.

We first build the Thevenin expressions for the charge and discharge circuits below to use later.

Charging: Rth = Rleak*Rcharge/(Rleak + Rcharge), Vth = Rleak*Vs/(Rcharge + Rleak)
Discharge: Rth = Rleak*Rdischarge/(Rleak + Rdischarge), Vth = 0.

The setup is to use 9V to charge for 20s with 2.5 mJ, and discharge the 2.5 mJ in 2s.
Doing some math, we find:
C = 2*U/V^2 = 0.0617 mF
Charging: 5τc = 20s
Rc = 4/C = 64.8 kΩ
The power Pc = V^2/R_c =1.25 mW which is under the limit of 1W.

Discharging: 5tau_d = 2s
Rd = 2/(5*C) = 6.48 kΩ
The power Pd = 12.42 mW which is under the limit of 1W.


 Build the circuit according to the pre-calculated values in the prelab questions.

Capacitors combined in parallel to reach desired value
Entire circuit with resistor boxes
Logger pro was used to measure the change in voltage over time.

Capacitor charging
The peak voltage V_f = 8.25 V due logger pro's limit of 8Vs and the effect of the Rleak.
The time is estimated to be around 18s.
Rleak = Rcharge /(V_s/V_f - 1) = 712.8 kΩ

Capacitor discharge
Starting from Vf, the discharge time is around 2s.

Using the Thevenin equations,
1. Rcth = 59.4 kΩ, Vcth = 8.25V
 2. Rdth = 6.42 kΩ, Vdth = 0V

3. 0.6321*V_f = 5.215 V
5.215 V is around 4.6s
τc = RC = 4.6s
R = 4.6/C = 74.55 kΩ
Error = 15%

Practical Question:
1)       U = (1/2)CV^2
     Ceq = 2*U/V^2
           = 2*160*10^6/(15*10^3)^2
           = 1.42 F

2)    1/2C + 1/2C + 1/2C + 1/2C = 2C = Ceq
        C = 1/2Ceq = 0.71 F

 We had successfully reach a charging time of about 20s, and a discharging time of about 2s. The experiment was successful, and the pre-lab calculations were correct. The result in this lab proved that it was possible to control the times.

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